2025 February Monthly Training
For AAACERT members only.
An invite has been emailed to all members.
AAACERT Monthly Training — Anne Arundel County HazMat Operations
2025 February Monthly Training Read More »
For AAACERT members only.
An invite has been emailed to all members.
AAACERT Monthly Training — Anne Arundel County HazMat Operations
2025 February Monthly Training Read More »
Yes, you read that right, CERTCON. This event is open to EVERYONE, not just CERT members.
The National Capital Region has been hosting a CERTCON since 2011. This year marks the second year it will be hosted by the National Capital Region CERT Consortium (NCRC) in conjunction with the DC Mayor’s office and ServeDC.
Some of the topics covered (including hands-on and interactive games):
If you are not a member of a CERT, here is your opportunity to see some of the things a CERT member can volunteer to take part in while giving you the opportunity to speak to CERT members from around the region.
The three links below will provide more details about the NCRC, CERTCON, along with a flyer for this event.
CERTCON 2023 | Oct 20-22 | U of DC Read More »
AAACERT members, please see D4H for Traffic and Booth coverage needs. Your reporting times are different from the times listed here.
The Anne Arundel County Office of Emergency Management is planning to host the 2023 Emergency Preparedness Expo at Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) Arundel Mills Campus in Hanover on Saturday, September 16, 2023, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM rain or shine.
This annual family-friendly event is hosted during National Preparedness Month to enhance residents’ preparedness and safety awareness, highlight the importance of public safety and service organizations, and strengthen community resilience.
Please visit the Anne Arundel County Office of Emergency Management’s site for mor information.
2023 Emergency Preparedness Expo Read More »
Yes, you read that right, CERTCON. This event is open to EVERYONE, not just CERT members.
The National Capital Region has been hosting a CERTCON since 2011. This year marks the first year it will be hosted by the National Capital Region CERT Consortium (NCRC).
This multi-day event will feature sessions on community safety such as stop the bleed, emergency chef, and duct tape triage; just to name a few.
If you are not a member of a CERT, here is your opportunity to see some of the things a CERT member can volunteer to take part in while giving you the opportunity to speak to CERT members from around the region.
The three links below will provide more details about the NCRC, CERTCON, along with a flyer for this event.
CERTCON 2022 | Nov 18-20 | GW MS in Alexandria Read More »
AAACERT is proud to have been recognized in the FEMA CERT/ICPS newsletter for April 2022. Our work last year at the Russett Community Cleanup Day for Earth Day was our first but not our last event with the Russett Community. We’ll continue again this year and expand to help with other events the community has planned.
A special thanks to Rick and Anne for helping last year and for signing up to help this year.
You can read the full story on FEMA’s site by clicking THIS LINK.
AAACERT Makes FEMA News Read More »
FEMA Student Identification (SID) number is a unique number generated and assigned to anyone who needs or is required to take training provided by a FEMA organization (including training partners TEEX, LSU, CTOS, NMT-EMRTC, etc.). Your FEMA SID uniquely identifies you throughout the FEMA organization and all of its agencies. The goal is for your FEMA SID to serve as your personal identification number instead of your Social Security Number (SSN) in support of FEMA’s effort to decrease/cease the use of SSN for identifying and tracking individuals.
Obtaining a FEMA Student ID (FEMA SID) Read More »
FEMA announced a new on-line course, “Damage Assessment Operations Training” IS-1160. Many CERTs are involved with their local OEMs in providing damage assessment as part of their regular mission. Even those who aren’t may benefit from the knowledge provided in this course.
This course will equip participants to conduct damage assessment in accordance with the Damage Assessment Operations Manual: A Guide to Assessing Damage and Impact.
Course Objectives:
– Describe the relationship between damage assessment and Federal disaster assistance
– Describe roles, responsibilities, and activities during each phase of the damage assessment
– Prepare to conduct damage assessment
– Conduct damage assessment for Individual Assistance (IA) and Public Assistance (PA)
– Evaluate damage and impact to the community
The estimated study time for this course is 8 hours. A FEMA Student ID is required for this course.
New FEMA Course: IS-1160 Damage Assessment Operations Training Read More »
FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) is offering a new self-paced, independent study course, Religious and Cultural Literacy and Competency in Disaster.
This course explores how religious and cultural communities are engaged during disasters, how religious and cultural diversity and practice is protected by law, and how religious and cultural diversity can strengthen emergency management capabilities. It provides emergency management professionals and faith and community leaders active in disaster with literacy and competency tools to engage religious and cultural groups both pre- and post-disaster.
The course was developed to support partnerships between the first responders and faith-based and community organizations to more effectively serve disaster survivors in their time of need.
New Online Course: Religious and Cultural Literacy and Competency in Disaster Read More »
FEMA Diversity Awareness Training (Online): This course recognizes the benefits of diversity in our workforce and FEMA’s commitment to valuing diversity of its employees and customers. https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-20.15
FEMA Special Needs Training (Online): The purpose of this course is to increase awareness and understanding of the need for full inclusion of disaster survivors and FEMA staff who are people with disabilities, and people with access and functional needs. The course provides an overview of disabilities and access and functional needs and explains how disaster staff can apply inclusive practices in their disaster assignments. https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-368
Catalog of all Independent Study Program (ISP) Courses: https://training.fema.gov/is/crslist.aspx?all=true
Register for FEMA Student ID (If you don’t already have one.This is the same ID that you may have used at the National Fire Academy if you’ve taken a course there): https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid
Have you taken a FEMA course recently? Let us know how it went in the comments block below!
Free FEMA Training Courses Online Read More »
Laurel City Office of Emergency Management will be sponsoring ICS-300 and ICS-400 classes and are trying to determine the level of need / interest. The classes will be open to individuals outside of Laurel City. If you are interested send an email to Lena Grant, lgrant@laurel.md.us along with your contact information and affiliation.
IC-100, IC-200 and IC-700 are REQUIRED to take this course. If you haven’t had these courses they are available online: https://training.fema.gov/nims/.
Laurel City OEM Planning ICS-300 & ICS-400 Classes Read More »
The American Red Cross and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) serve communities throughout the United States in a variety of ways before, during, and after emergencies. But while both programs accomplish a great deal individually, they can do even more when they work together. As partners, CERT and American Red Cross programs and volunteers can work to advance their mutual goals of increasing the preparedness and resilience of local neighborhoods and communities and offering vital assistance and support in the aftermath of disasters.
The FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Division invites you to join a webinar that showcases partnerships between local American Red Cross chapters and CERT programs. Three sets of American Red Cross and CERT programs serving three jurisdictions will discuss how they are working together to make their communities safer, stronger, and more resilient. Presenters will share how they established their partnerships, what lessons they learned from the experience, and how their collaboration benefitted their programs and communities. The webinar will conclude with a question and answer session.
Title: Local Partnerships between the American Red Cross and CERT
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Time: 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. (ET)
This webinar will feature American Red Cross and CERT guest speakers from the following jurisdictions:
Delaware County, PA
Denver, CO
Detroit, MI
How to Join the Webinar:
– Adobe Connect Registration Web Link.
– Please register for the event. Be sure to test your Adobe Connect connection prior to the meeting.
– This webinar will offer closed captioning.
We hope that you will be able to join us on September 9! If you can’t make it, we will be posting the recording, transcript, and slide deck of the presentation on this page, under “Citizen Corps Partners/Affiliates”: http://www.ready.gov/preparedness-leader/webinar-library. You can also view our most recent webinar on including people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs in CERT training at: https://icpd.adobeconnect.com/p1onuoh5wic/.
Webinar: Local Partnerships between the American Red Cross and CERT Read More »