Volunteers are needed to role-play as victims for the 2018 CERTCON. We could use your help!
2018 CERTCON Mass Casualty Incident Field Exercise
2018 CERTCON, the Mid-Atlantic conference for Community Emergency Response Teams, is conducting mass casualty emergency preparedness exercises. These exercises enable our teams to practice responding to large scale emergencies.
We are asking for volunteers to play the role of residents who are victims of a natural disaster. Mock victims will be able to choose their level of injury. We need all types of roles from highly dramatic with little trauma to highly traumatic with little drama. Some volunteers may choose to play entirely non-moulaged victims such as family members, worried well, and psychologically injured patients. All roles are vital in making the scenario as realistic as possible for the responders.
A variety of Moulage (simulated casualty makeup) will be applied by Moulage Technicians. Victims will be briefed on the scenario, safety information, and basic acting skills and then placed in the simulated cityscape or in the high rise building. First responders will assess, triage (level of injury/severity will be rated) and simulate lifesaving treatment. Victims will be moved to a casualty collection point for procedural treatment and then transport to hospitals will be simulated.
Because of the graphic nature of this event, we limit victims to age 14 and above and minors will be required to have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian. Montgomery County Public School SSL hours will be honored, and forms will be available. This is a secured location and a state-issued ID is required. A change of clothes is recommended.
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2018
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Check-In
9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
- Role Player assignments
- Moulage application (makeup applied to simulate injuries)
- Role player briefing will be conducted to explain the scenario situation in greater detail, safety procedures, and what actions will be expected of the mock victims
- Actor/role players will interface with emergency responders – they will be assessed, triaged, and simulated treatment will occur
- Hospital transport will be simulated – emergency vehicle transport to actual hospitals will not occur
- A hot wash/debriefing (evaluation of the exercise) will be conducted
- Actor/role players will complete a Participant Feedback Form based on the experience
- Volunteer check-out
Further details will be emailed to those who have registered.