News and Alerts

Informational articles, links, and stories.

Congrats, CERT Basic Class of October 2021!

CERT Basic Simulation Class of October 2021


Congratulations to the October 2021 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic training class. The class underwent its training and final exercise at the Anne Arundel County Fire Training Academy in Millersville, MD. This training group had the extra challenge of having only seven participants instead of the usual 20-plus. As a result of their smaller size, during the simulation, search teams had to do double duty both looking for and treating victims. The class overcame this challenge, found all victims, and treated them accordingly. Checkout our Facebook page for more photos of this and other events. 

Interested in taking part in our next class, checkout our website for more details.

Congrats, CERT Basic Class of October 2021! Read More »

Linthicum Fall Fair 2021

AAACERT members stand ready to answer questions about CERT and the role AAACERT plays in the Anne Arundel County community.

Parade participant on antique tractor.
A parade participant drives an antique tractor.

We want to thank everyone who visited our booth at this year’s Linthicum Fair. It was an absolutely beautiful day and the turnout was fantastic. We look forward to the next community-based event where we can say hello and introduce you to CERT and our organization, Anne Arundel Annapolis CERT.

Check out our website for more details and links to our social media pages.

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National Night Out 2021, Thank You

AAACERT Tent at NNO 2021
Members of AAACERT relax before the public begins to show up for National Night Out 2021.

We would like to thank everyone that visited our tent during the 2021 National Night Out event held at the Earleigh Heights VFC. The sun stayed away and the wind kept things at a very nice temperature after days of 90 plus degrees.

Helping people at NNO 2021
AAACERT members explain the history and purpose of the CERT program.

We provided disaster preparedness material to visitors including flash cards with checklists of items to have on hand during a disaster such as a violent storms like tornados, hurricanes, or major wind. 

If you visited our tent and signed our training email list, you also entered into our

giveaway for a one of two preparedness kits. Congrats to the winners.

AAC OEM tent
We also want to thank AAC OEM. Often our tent neighbors at events it is always nice to see you, too! 

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ITS BACK! Fall 2021 CERT Basic Class

Our CERT Basic class for Fall 2021 is now open. This will be a full class! The CERT Basic class is approximately 24 hours of instruction in basic disaster skills over 4 days.

CERT Basic Training is designed to prepare you to help yourself and to help others in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Because emergency services personnel will not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by using your CERT training to save lives and protect property. This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. With training and practice, and by working as a team, you will be able to protect yourself and do the greatest good for the greatest number after a disaster. Medical or EMT experience is not required.

For dates and times including a link to sign up, please visit the training page on our website at

Two, online, FEMA Emergency Management Institute courses must be successfully completed prior to the start of CERT Basic training. These courses are free (note:  you will be required to get a Student ID (SID) which also is free). The courses are listed as 3 hours each in duration but, on the average, students complete them in a little more than half that time. Details can be found at the link above.

We look forward to having you!

Be Prepared. Have a Plan.

ITS BACK! Fall 2021 CERT Basic Class Read More »

Ferndale Festival 2021

We want to thank everyone who visited our booth at this years Ferndale Festival. It was a hot day but the turnout was fantastic. We look forward to the next community based event where we can say hello and introduce you to CERT and our organization, Anne Arundel Annapolis CERT.

Checkout our website for more details and links to our social media pages.

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Congrats, CERT Basic Class of May 2021!


Congratulations to the May 2021 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic training class. The class underwent its training and final exercise at the Anne Arundel County Fire Training Academy in Millersville, MD. This training group had the extra challenge of having almost half the normal number of participants. As a result of their smaller size, during the simulation, search teams had to do double duty both looking for and treating victims. The class overcame this challenge, found all victims, and treated them accordingly. Checkout our Facebook page for more photos of this and other events. 

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, class sizes are limited and fill fast. Interested? Please visit

Congrats, CERT Basic Class of May 2021! Read More »

Congrats, CERT Basic Class of March 2021!


Congratulations to the March 2021 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic training class. The class underwent its training and final exercise at the Anne Arundel County Fire Training Academy in Millersville, MD. This training group had the extra challenge of having almost half the normal number of participants. As a result of their smaller size, during the simulation, search teams had to do double duty both looking for and treating victims. The class overcame this challenge, found all victims, and treated them accordingly.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, class sizes are limited and fill fast. Interested? Please visit

Congrats, CERT Basic Class of March 2021! Read More »

2021 National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

Please join AAACERT in thanking these dedicated men and women.

A message from Captain Erik Konmeyer
Anne Arundel County Fire Department, Fire Communications

AACFD logoThe Anne Arundel County Fire Department is celebrating the second full week of April (April 11-17, 2021) as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. This week, sponsored by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International and celebrated annually, honors the thousands of men and women who respond to emergency calls, dispatch emergency professionals and equipment, and render life-saving assistance to the world’s citizens.

Twenty-eight Fire Communications Operators (FCO) and eight lieutenants staff Fire Alarm on a 24/72 shift schedule. Eleven newly hired FCOs and four lieutenants were trained in 2020 to make this staffing model a reality for years to come. This 24/72 schedule, started in January, 2020, has improved morale, and improved efficiency by creating continuity between field and personnel members. FCOs receive more than 1,000 hours of initial training, including certification in Emergency Medical Dispatch, and Emergency Fire Dispatch.

These calm voices on the 911 telephones and on the radio waves quite often go unnoticed, but the Anne Arundel County Fire Department consider the members of Fire Alarm to be the “Golden Glue that holds it all together” for our Department. If anyone from your organization is interested in recognizing the members of our Communications Center in any way during National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, please contact Captain Erik Kornmeyer at Letters of thanks can be mailed to the following address:

Anne Arundel County Fire Department
Fire Communications
8501 Veterans Highway
Millersville, MD 21108

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April is Flood Awareness Month

AAC OEM Disaster Dispatch Spring 2021

AAACERT is happy to share the following Spring 2021 Disaster Dispatch from the Anne Arundel County Office of Emergency Management quarterly Newsletter.

In this issue you will find information about Flood Awareness including tools to see your community’s risk, a message from Director Preeti Emrick, Financial Emergency Preparedness tools, and a number of important contacts at the Office of Emergency Management.

Please click the link below to see the PDF of the Newsletter.

April is Flood Awareness Month Read More »


We get it – life happens. Poison centers are ready 24/7 with fast and free advice. When you have a question, their healthcare professionals have answers.

Everyday poison centers answer questions and help in emergencies because life happens.

Dial 1-800-222-1222 for anything from your child swallowed a button battery, a snake bite to food poisoning.




CERT Basic Class Starts Soon

We only have two seats left for the upcoming March and April classes and we need to fill them. Do you know someone who might be interested in CERT Basic class? Send them this post and encourage them to sign up.

While we would love for you to join our CERT organization after training, it is not a requirement for this class. The only requirement, besides the FEMA class, is an interest in knowing what to do in an emergency. Who doesn’t want to have that knowledge?

Click Here To Sign Up Now

Click Here For More Information On Training


Congratulations to AAACERT Members!

A message from Bruce Morgenstern, President, Anne Arundel-Annapolis CERT.

Our first congratulations goes to Randy Sanger. Randy has been appointed to a position with the Maryland State Fire Commission. Of course, an appointment like this comes with added responsibilities, and with mixed emotions, Randy has had to tender his resignation as AAACERT Vice President. Randy has assured us that he and Toni really enjoy being part of AAACERT and will continue to volunteer and support us whenever they can. Randy has been instrumental in guiding us along our path to improved radio communications using the County’s trunked radio system, facilitating connections with fire department communications personnel and using his expertise to help structure a best solution for AAACERT. THANKS, RANDY!

So…that leaves us with a vacancy.

In accordance with our by-laws…Any vacancies among the Officers of the corporation, regardless of the reason therefore, may be filled by the vote of a majority of the Directors for the unexpired portion of the term.

Randy’s term as Vice President was set to expire on December 31, 2022/

Your Board of Directors reviewed potential candidates, and at our most recent meeting on February 25th unanimously elected Brandon Gosnell to fill Randy’s remaining term. Brandon has been an active volunteer and a significant contributor to AAACERT’s growth in the last year. Brandon heads our IT/Communications/Public Affairs Committee, and is responsible for our significantly improved website, our enhanced social media presence (now including a LinkedIn page), enhanced e-mail capability, and the creation of a documentation management system so that we can easily share important AAACERT information. Quite an accomplishment! Job well done, Brandon. Congratulations and thanks for stepping up to help lead AAACERT.

Bruce Morgenstern

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Tick Tock…Tick Tock, Time is Counting Down

We have only 1 slot available for our upcoming EARLY SPRING CERT BASIC CLASS. Sign up now at the link below.

As for the LATE SPRING CERT BASIC CLASS, there are only a couple of slots open for that.

We do not expect these to remain open long, so click that link and sign up quickly.

Our CERT Basic classes in March and April are now open. Due to COVID-19 precautions, space is very limited so sign up quickly. The Basic CERT class is approximately 24 hours of instruction in basic disaster skills over 4 days.

CERT Basic Training is designed to prepare you to help yourself and to help others in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Because emergency services personnel will not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by using your CERT training to save lives and protect property. This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. With training and practice, and by working as a team, you will be able to protect yourself and do the greatest good for the greatest number after a disaster. Medical or EMT experience is not required.

For dates and times including a link to sign up, please visit the training page on our website at

Two, online, FEMA Emergency Management Institute courses must be successfully completed prior to the start of CERT Basic training. These courses are free (note:  you will be required to get a Student ID (SID) which also is free). The courses are listed as 3 hours each in duration but, on the average, students complete them in a little more than half that time. Details can be found at the link above.

We look forward to having you!

Be Prepared. Have a Plan.

Tick Tock…Tick Tock, Time is Counting Down Read More »

CERT Basic Classes NOW OPEN

Our CERT Basic classes in March and April are now open. Due to COVID-19 precautions, space is very limited so sign up quickly. The Basic CERT class is approximately 24 hours of instruction in basic disaster skills over 4 days.

CERT Basic Training is designed to prepare you to help yourself and to help others in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Because emergency services personnel will not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by using your CERT training to save lives and protect property. This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available. With training and practice, and by working as a team, you will be able to protect yourself and do the greatest good for the greatest number after a disaster. Medical or EMT experience is not required.

For dates and times including a link to sign up, please visit the training page on our website at

Two, online, FEMA Emergency Management Institute courses must be successfully completed prior to the start of CERT Basic training. These courses are free (note:  you will be required to get a Student ID (SID) which also is free). The courses are listed as 3 hours each in duration but, on the average, students complete them in a little more than half that time. Details can be found at the link above.

We look forward to having you!

Be Prepared. Have a Plan.

CERT Basic Classes NOW OPEN Read More »