Every month, FEMA prepares a newsletter highlighting key preparedness items for individuals and communities. AAACERT encourages everyone to sign up for this invaluable information by visiting the following link: FEMA Preparedness Newsletter Signup
A new feature we’ll be providing to the community is sharing some of the information from these monthly newsletters. Think of it as your crib notes of sorts, but nothing can replace receiving the full information and we encourage you to sign up. All information provided will be directly from the newsletter unless otherwise stated.
April is National Financial Capability Month
Picking up the pieces of your life after a disaster can be challenging. One of the most important things that may help you recover faster from a disaster is increasing your financial resilience. Being financially resilient will prepare you to quickly recover from the financial impacts caused by natural disasters and unexpected emergencies.
Minnesota Train Derailment Proves Value of CERT Program
When a train derailment caused a fire in downtown Raymond, Minnesota last spring, first responders jumped into action. Despite being the middle of the night, they weren’t alone. Members of the Willmar Area Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) joined first responders to help most of the small city — about 800 people — evacuate to the town of Prinsburg.
CERTs Work to Serve More Members of the Community
In emergencies, individuals and communities depend on effective, timely information they can trust and understand. CERTs play a vital role in disaster preparedness and response by empowering ordinary citizens to assist their communities in times of need. Because CERTs are often the first line of defense when disaster strikes, ensuring they are representative of the whole community is an essential step toward improving resilience.